This week I checked out all the different types of technology one could get from our library. I’ve done the technology tour twice before with other classes, so this time I just refreshed my memory by looking at the technology resources listed on the UNCA Library website. Not only does our library have a large variety of digital media devices available for check out, they also have many resources that can be used in the library to edit and create different types of media.

Many of the in-house resources, such as the Media design lab and the CrAFT studio are designed to make physical projects as opposed to digital media. However the Media design Lab, which has several Adobe programs  that could be used to edit images that we wish to use on our website.  They also have a in-house video and audio lab that we can use to create high quality videos and audio clips to add to our website. At this time we don’t plan to add any videos or podcasts, but it’s nice to know that they are readily available to us should we decide to use them.

We most likely will not use many of the resources that our library provides directly, but most of the students that work in the Media Design lab are New Media or Computer Science majors, and will likely be willing and able to help us with website design, and most importantly troubleshooting. Neither Cara nor myself are very experienced in web design and it is comforting to know that there are people on campus that we can access for help troubleshooting problems on our website.

Our library also has various video and audio recording devices that can be checked out for three days at a time. So far, I have been using an audio recorder application on my phone for the interview I conducted, and Cara has a handheld recorder that she plans to use for her interviews. However, should we decide to do a video interview, we will be checking out a camcorder and tripod from the library to use.

General Updates

Mind map of website layout, designed at

Our Website mind-map.

Cara and I have started to work on the layout for our website using Coggle, and are trying to figure out where different types of visuals would be helpful and how to categorize the different things we are planning to cover. So far we think we have the whole layout figured out and have also divided up the different topics for each of us to work on. We are also using Trello to organize what needs to be done. This weekend I am drafting up a contract for us so that we have a more concrete timeline and division of labor.

Right now the biggest issue is getting information. Slowly but surely things are starting to come together and we are starting to see progress.