Robert BlueBack and Max Corbin
Mission Statement
The mission of this website is to compile and display the historical challenges and bans of J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye between the years of 1951 and 1980. The main focus will be on the case of a Tulsa High School instructor whose position was opened for a time after their eleventh grade class was assigned to read the controversial book. The end goal of this website is to link the Tulsa, Oklahoma, case to other national incidences of The Catcher in the Rye being challenged and banned. These links will be socially, politically, and sociologically made. Information will be gathered through the use of various web tools, alongside books, journal articles, archive materials and interviews.
Tools we Plan to Use (Sparkling Theme – Dark color palette with USAO color accents)
Gimp 2
Online databases from OCCC and USAO Pad and Pen
OneNote 2016
February 23 : Access various archives and obtain pertinent information.
February 28 : Have a completed plan for the website
March 9th : Complete Interviews of Instructors (Finck, Brown)
March 14 : Complete transcripts of interviews
Synopsis and Biography Completed
Sociological Context Completed
March 23 : Start Site Draft
March 30 : Fill in noticeable gaps
April 6 : Finalize website map and page locations
April 9 : Rough Draft of Site
April 20 : Edit Site
April 27 : Finalize edits
April 30 – Final Draft of Site
Division of Labor
Historical Context Page : Robert
StoryMap : Max
Interview Transcriptions and uploads : Max
Site Arrangement : Robert
Sociological Context of Banning : Robert
Political Context: Max