About Buncombe County, NC

Buncombe County, North Carolina is located in the Appalachian Mountain Range. It is most well-known for its beautiful scenery and The Biltmore Estate.

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According to the U.S. Census Report on Buncombe County, the population was 89.5% white in 2016, with only 6.4% of the population being black or African American. Perhaps this might at least partially explain why a teacher from Buncombe County may find it worthwhile to put Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye on a reading list; maybe they would want to expose students to a perspective different from their own.

Hillary Clinton received the most votes (54.3%, to be exact) in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election in Buncombe County. Donald Trump came in at a fairly close second, garnering 40.1% of the vote. While Buncombe County has a reputation amongst the general North Carolina population for being overwhelmingly progressive, looking at the voting history, the numbers are actually closer than what many people may tend to believe.

According to Sperling’s Best Places, 52.55% of the people in Buncombe County affiliate with a religion; 26.6% are Baptist.


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